50 years ago, in a very small way, with just 10 women, meeting in the long-extinct Maycrete Hall where water dripped through the roof in the winter months and we sang around buckets on the floor! Our title was the Cringleford Evening WI Choir, but some time afterwards we became independent and self financing and “The Cringleford Singers” was born.
We are –
now a women’s choir numbering around 40, with “The Cringleford Musicians” -piano, flute, violin and percussion, for accompaniment.
We sing –
everything from classical to jazz, folk songs to selections from musicals, old favourites and we are always trying out new songs – from unison to 3-part.
We entertain –
around the city and local suburbs, with 20 or more informal “concerts” each year – sheltered housing audiences, entertaining a variety of clubs and societies, singing in churches, halls, supermarkets(!), hotels at Christmas – anywhere where we are invited and where we can bring pleasure and enjoyment.
We raise money for charity –
each year we raise around £3,000 for local charities. We are always willing to consider requests for financial help from individuals and groups.