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June 2022

We Are 50

Never thinking for one moment, back in 1972, that the Cringleford Singers would still be singing, I am amazed at how quickly fifty years has flown – but also, amazingly, how much music has changed over that half-century! We started with 10 women, some unison songs, an occasional 2-part one which took us months to learn, no “uniform” so looking a real untidy bunch when we started to entertain – and no regular pianist because we didn’t own a keyboard! Fast forward – and we now have 38 women, a library of over 100 songs, some of which are 3-part, some  2-part and only one or two unison songs. We started with a “uniform” of blue blouses and black skirts, and have added matching scarves for everyone several times over. We’ve welcomed several pianists, currently enjoying having Toni Sambrook with us, and we own a full-sizse keyboard as well as a smaller one for practices.  

So what does the future hold? Who can tell – but we start the next half-century looking forward to sharing our songs and music with audiences for many years to come.

Margaret Smith (Music Director)


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